Sunday, December 20, 2015

Be a GOAL Digger!

2016 is quickly approaching, and although I'm  not a big fan of New Year's resolutions, I am a HUGE fan of setting yearly goals.  There is a lot to be said for setting goals and a little science behind setting ones that you're more likely to achieve.  Coming from an over-achiever, I'm all about boosting my chances for success.  What about you??

A wonderful accronym for goal setting is S.M.A.R.T.

Let's set some SMART goals:

S - specific
Goals must be specific!  Stating that you want to lose weight isn't going to get you there.  How much weight do you want to lose?  "I want to lose 10 pounds" makes it more specific!

M - measurable
This ties into specific.  Making your goal measurable is important so that you know when you've reached it as well as how you're going to get there.   "To lose 10 pounds, I will exercise five days per week."  That's both specific and measurable! 

A - attainable
Can the goal that you set actually be attained?  This sounds like a simple question to answer, but often can be very challenging.  Is the goal realistic?  Given your unique situation in life, talents, and capabilities, is it a realistic goal?  If not, reconsider what might be more realistic for you.  There isn't anything wrong with dreaming, but sometimes we have to break it down into bite-sized pieces to reach the ultimate dream goal.

R - relevant
Does the goal you are setting match the direction you want to go in life?  Is it aligned with your other goals and activities?

T - time-sensitive
What is the time frame you plan to accomplish your goal in?  Again, this helps your goal become more specific and measurable.  This also helps to motivate you to work harder towards your goal.  Without a time frame, it's easy to procrastinate!  "I will lose 10 pounds by March 1st through exercising five days per week."

Notice how I also changed "I want" to "I will."  That's much more powerful, isn't it??  We want to have confidence in setting our goals, knowing that we're going to work our tails off  to achieve them!

Now that you're SMART, go ahead and be a goal digger!  What are your goals for 2016??  Don't just think about it!  WRITE it down!  Even better, share your goals with those who will support you and hold you accountable.  Check back for my big goals soon!

Follow me on Facebook as I strive to do big things in 2016!

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