Saturday, February 20, 2016

Stitch Fix #1 and First Timer Tips

As any new mom knows, the desire to fit into and feel good in your clothes again is a strong one!  I've debated for quite a while about trying Stitch Fix and I finally took the plunge!  Here is my first Fix and tips to help you get the most out of yours.

 First timer tips:

1.  Complete the full style quiz.  This does take a little time, but provides your stylist with a lot of helpful information.

2.  Definitely include a link to your Pinterest style board.  My stylist, Amanda, even referenced my board in the note that came with my Fix.  Pretty cool!  If you don't have a style board, get one started!  You'll find the place to link your stylist to your board in the style quiz.

3.  Know that you will receive five items.  You can decide to keep none or keep them all.  If you keep anything, your $20 styling fee goes towards whatever you purchase.  If you choose to purchase all items, you receive 25% off.   When you complete your style quiz you can identify the price range you're willing to spend for each type of item.  I was always curious about the cost of the pieces, so you'll see I included that below.

4.  Don't feel like you have to be locked into a recurring order.  You can schedule just one Fix to see how you like it.  That's exactly what I did.  Worst case scenario if you try it once and don't like anything, you're out just $20. 

5.  Be open to trying new things!  That's half the fun!

Now, on to the Fix:

Fix #1:

I love the color and style of this dress!  This
was inspired by my Pinterest board for sure.  Unfortunately, the narrow cut of this dress wasn't very forgiving in the hip region, leaving it less flattering than I'd hope.  This one goes back.


Right out of the box, this blazer looks like it's right up my alley.  It's soft, fits well, and looks good on.  For the price, I just know that it's not something I'd wear very often, especially in the heat of Florida.  This one goes back.

Saving the best three for last!  These jeans hit a home run!  I should probably play the lotto this weekend because it's a miracle that I received perfectly fitting and comfortable jeans in my very first Fix.  The jeans are most definitely a keeper!  They're even husband approved, which is tough to do!

I like the blouse, too.  It turned out to be quite a bit brighter in person than in the picture, with lots of hot pink.  I almost kept this one, too.  My only concern was that the quality of this piece didn't feel worth the price and I wasn't sure it would wash well.  I might regret sending it back, but since I wasn't in love with it, I didn't want to take the chance.

Another sign that my stylist actually looked at my Pinterest board:  a  teal bag.  As soon as I opened the box, I knew this one had to be mine.  I love the color, and the size is perfect for my work/mom/life bag!

All in all, I'm pretty impressed!  I've already scheduled my next Fix for March and can't wait to see what's in it!  To make sure the next is even better, I made sure to leave feedback for my stylist.  From what I've read, the more feedback you give with each Fix, the better the next Fix becomes.  Stitch Fix might just be my new favorite way to shop...just don't tell the Loft!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cha Cha Changes....

I'm writing this after I just told my coach that I'm planning to forgo taking on new participants to coach for the upcoming month.  We both know what that means...that my coaching role has likely come to an end.  Honestly, it feels like a break up.  I agreed to fulfill a certain role, and now I'm saying that I don't want to do that anymore.  Ouch.

It's not you, it's me.  Really.

When I took on this role, I had a lot of expectations of myself.  As your classic over achiever, I really thought that I'd be able to manage a newborn, a four year old, a marriage, a full time job, friends, coaching, and life.  Sounds a little ridiculous when I put it that way.  I believed I could do it, but what I have realized is that accomplishing the goals I set out in this role would certainly come at a cost in other areas, some of which I'm not willing to sacrifice at this time.

As an introspective and reflective person, it's important for me to evaluate what has become an experiment of sorts, albeit a very public one.  Here's what I've learned on this journey:

1.  The coaching opportunity gave me something positive and connected during a time of transition in my life, especially during maternity leave.  In my past experience with maternity leave I felt very isolated.  The repetitive and less than glamorous tasks of taking care of a newborn don't leave a lot of opportunity to connect with the outside world.  Coaching allowed me to do that, even if it was mostly through Facebook or Zoom calls.  It also helped me to regain that feeling of "feeling like myself" that all postpartum moms want so much to have.

2.  I am a terrible sales person.  Yep, I said it.  It pains me to admit that I'm really not good at something, but it's true.  And yes, as a coach it's about sharing not about selling.  But at the end of the day, it is a business and if you cannot be successful in the sales aspect of the business there won't be anyone to coach in the first place.

3.  I love what I do in my day job.  Taking on this opportunity was not about finding a way out of my full time job like it is for many people.  But this opportunity reminded me that I am most fulfilled when I am providing help for people who are under-served and truly have no other option for the services that I and my agency provide.  It's a tough, but rewarding job.  It has reminded me where my passion lives, which is in treating clients with chronic mental illness and substance use disorders.  I'm passionate about incorporating fitness into that treatment, too.

4.  You don't know what you don't know.  Boy, this has been true so many times in my life.  I'm a researcher and planner by nature.  Even in doing that you sometimes cannot fully understand what something entails until you do it.  For me, the amount of time required to truly be successful was that which I was not willing to give.  Yes, you read that correct.  I refuse to say "I don't have time" because I know if it was important I would make time.  I am choosing to make time for other things instead.

5.  I am changing my plan, but I am NOT changing the goal.  Looking back on why I started this, which I wrote about here, my primary intention was to reinforce a new and healthier lifestyle for myself and my family, ultimately being the best role model for my children as possible.  That goal remains and will always remain.  The plan does change though.  While I do intend to continue coaching my current participants, maintain my blog and continue with my Reframing Fitness page, I will not be recruiting new participants for new accountability groups. 

6.  This may be a "goodbye for now" not forever.  I do think that in a different season of life, I might be willing to throw more time and energy into an endeavor like this.  You never know what the future might hold.

7.  My favorite aspect of the coaching role is that it gave me opportunities to reconnect with old friends, both as a participant and as a coach.  Some of those people are now the ones who inspire me to do better each day.  I'm incredibly grateful for the coaching community and hope to stay connected to many of the women that I've become closer to throughout this journey.

8.  I love that one of the three Vital Behaviors of the coaching role is personal development.  I'm a little bit of a nerd and have always loved self-improvement books, articles, etc.  Beachbody truly reinforces the importance of continuous self-improvement.  I've begun listening to new podcasts or audio books daily rather than talk-radio during my commute.  It's been a wonderful change that I'll definitely continue.

So while I have nothing but love for the opportunity I've been given, it's time to get back to my priorities.  I'll see you on the flip side!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Top 5 Reasons to PiYo

My 60 day journey with PiYo has come to an end, and what a journey it was!  When I began PiYo, I wanted to try a program different than any other I’d ever tried and I liked the results I saw from others who tried PiYo before me.  I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy it nearly as much as I did. 
I was a yoga naysayer in the past.  It was too slow…too boring…I couldn’t focus…….The list goes on.  The hybrid between yoga and pilates changed all that.  I found my soul mate program in PiYo!  So, what’s so great about it???

Top 5 Reasons You Should Try PiYo:

1.  The only equipment you need is a mat and yourself.  For anyone just starting out or with little money to invest in equipment, this is the perfect program.  You could even substitute a towel or a carpeted area for most workouts and be just fine.  That also means you need very little space.  Small apartment or even dorm room??  No problem!

2.  Your body will be transformed!  PiYo works muscles I never knew I had!  Switching things up with a program like this is a great way to keep your body guessing and keep those muscles working.  Throughout the program, you both stretch and strengthen, which is a great combination for a long, lean body.

3.  It’s low, and virtually no, impact.  I love getting out for a run as much as the next person, but the constant impact of running or intense aerobics can really leave you hurting sometimes.

4.  Much like yoga, I found that PiYo really left me feeling centered and at peace afterwards.  I’m a firm believer that exercise is a great stress reliever and necessary for good mental health.  PiYo does just that!

5.  I lost five pounds and five inches!  That includes a full inch off my waist and two inches off of my hips!  Who doesn’t love that???  To be honest, had I followed the meal plan to the T, I would have seen even better results.

PiYo will be one of those programs I go back to in the future, I'm sure!  To find out what I'm up to next, follow me on Facebook.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Protein Power Balls

Stopping by to share a simple recipe that packs a powerful protein punch!  And, you only need four ingredients!  You can't beat that.  These are kid and husband approved!


1 Cup Rolled Oats
1 Cup Vanilla or Chocolate Protein Powder (I used Shakeology)
1 Cup All Natural Peanut Butter
1/2 Cup Honey

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and roll into a ball.  Store in an air tight container.  I store mine in the fridge, keeps for a little longer.  They are a great on-the-go snack!


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Addict to Athlete

As we enter into the new year, many people have resolutions to cut back on their drinking or drug use.  Especially as a therapist, I see a surge in the number of people attempting to make major life changes in this area.  The new year is the perfect time for a fresh start.

Although I've previously written about the benefits of exercise for mental health here, there are specific benefits for those working towards recovery from substance abuse.

Often, people measure recovery in numbers.  90 in 90.  Twelve steps.  One day at a time.  What if we used a different measuring stick, measuring in feet, yards, or even miles?  For years, research has shown exercise to be effective in treating a variety of mind, body, and spiritual issues.  More recently, drug and alcohol treatment centers have begun incorporating exercise into their programs.  So why is it that logging miles might be just as important as logging meetings?

Free Time
When an alcoholic or addict is active in their addiction, they spend excessive amounts of time dedicated towards obtaining and using their substance of choice.  Once that substance and behavior is removed, people find that leisure time and boredom can be an overwhelming trigger.  Filling that free time with a regular jog or a yoga class may be able to get you through the struggle with down time.  A study conducted three months post-discharge from a 6 week inpatient rehab program found that 69% of participants were able to maintain their sobriety after reorganizing their leisure time to include exercise.  This was in comparison to 38% abstinence in those who did not participate in exercise.

Negative Emotions
Even if you’re successfully able to fill all that free time, it is expected that stress and negative emotions will still creep in from time to time.  A person in recovery likely once used drugs or alcohol to cope with negative emotions or self-medicate.  A life of recovery means self-medicating with substances is no longer possible.  Exercise is an outlet for those negative energies.  Anxiety, depression, frustration, and all other powerful emotions can be channeled into positive and motivating energy through exercise.  Many elite athletes report experiencing their best athletic performances when angry as they are able to express the emotions they’re feeling through physical movement.

Physical Benefits
It is well known that there are physical benefits to exercise, such as improved cardiovascular function, improved immune system, a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol, and many more.  However, the physical benefits of exercise go beyond the basics.  Alcohol and drug use impact areas of the brain and chemicals responsible for what makes us feel good.  Exercise does the same.  You may have heard of the “runner’s high.”  When a person is exercising, their body produces endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine.  For an individual in recovery, these “feel good” chemicals can serve as a positive replacement for the drugs they sought before.  Just like drugs or alcohol, the increase in these chemicals is reinforcing and rewards the exerciser for engaging in that activity.

They say it only takes two to hold a meeting.  What if you took that meeting to the trails or local gym?  The social component of fitness is a powerful tool for recovering addicts.  Joining a group or participating in a regular fitness class provides fellowship and support that everyone needs.  Accountability and encouragement are found in the fitness community much like you’d find in the 12-step community.

Distance runner, George Sheehan, shared his experience with running in recovery:  “Lives are changed by do’s, not by don’ts.  And if one is to stop drinking permanently, one must be actively involved in becoming what one is.  Distance running did that for me.  It reintroduced me to my body.  And my body, I found out, had a mind of its own.  It would no longer accept anything less than the best.”  This sense of accomplishment that George referred to reflected what was best for his body, mind, and spirit.  The commitment to physical exercise provides this last, but equally as important benefit, of a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.  Setting out to complete that 5K or perfect a certain yoga position and accomplishing that goal is just one more way to enhance self-esteem and see yourself grow in a more positive direction.

My passion as a health and fitness coach is to help you achieve your greatest potential; physically, mentally, and emotionally.  For more, join me on Facebook!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Five Tips for Success With PiYo

I’ve officially hit the half way point of my PiYo journey, completing all four of the first four weeks through the toughest time of the year:  Thanksgiving and Christmas.  While most people shy away from starting a new health hand fitness routine during the holidays, I dove right in with my health and fitness success group partners.

In those four weeks I have lost five pounds and 3.75 inches!    I lost an entire inch off of my waist and hips each!  Who doesn’t love slimming those areas?!?  This progress puts me at my pre-pregnancy weight just 12 weeks postpartum; results I’m thrilled with! 

Want to achieve similar positive results with PiYo? 

Here are my top five tips for PiYo success:
Learn It:  If you haven’t done a program like PiYo before, you’ll want to be sure to learn the moves first.   As a relative amateur to yoga and pilates, I found that it can be somewhat challenging to master some of the moves, especially at the pace Chalene typically goes.  The very first workout is all about learning the moves.  Don’t skip it!  It may seem slow, but it’s critical for when the pace picks up.

Follow the Schedule:  People often pull out the schedule only when they first open their box.  Rookie mistake!  The schedule is there for a reason.  In PiYo, the schedule is carefully designed to help your body build and strengthen as you go.   Day by day, week by week, if you follow the schedule you’ll notice improvements in your body and confidence to complete the workouts.  Skip ahead and you’ll likely be sore, tired, and frustrated.
Don’t forget about learning the meal plan, too!  You can find my meal plan tips here.  Understanding the meal plan and following it, will give you the best results.  Your success is dependent upon it!

Stay Focused:  This is the hardest for me as there’s usually so much going on.  Just as I put in the dvd to push play, the baby starts to cry or the spunky four year old is running around playing dinosaurs.  Of course all of those things must go on and life needs taken care of, but I found that PiYo requires more focus than many other workouts.  Given that the moves are different and often build off of each other, if you’re jumping in and out of the workout to take care of other things or distracted regularly, you’re more likely to miss important building steps, become frustrated, and even potentially injure yourself.  Plan to workout at the best time possible for when you’ll be distraction free.  And I get it; it’s easier said than done!

Have a good mat and keep water close by:  Most of the workouts require a mat for ultimate comfort and protection for your knees and wrists.  While a towel will work temporarily, a mat will be a much better investment.  While you’re at it, find a pretty one that inspires you to put it to use.  It can’t hurt!  And, don’t forget to keep the water close by.  With any type of exercise, it’s important to stay hydrated.  These workouts don’t prompt you to drink water like some others, so you’ll want to keep your water handy for a quick sip when you find you need it.  A few seconds to rehydrate won’t hold you back!

And finally, enjoy your rest day:  If you’re like me, taking a rest day sometimes seems like it will prevent you from making progress.   But oh contraire!  A rest day is so important to allowing your body the time to recover.  Take advantage of it and use that time for something else that fuels your soul! 

Join me on Facebook for more of the PiYo journey!

Monday, December 28, 2015

2016 Goals

As promised, I’m here to share my goals for 2016.  Some of these goals are BIG!  As we know, goals are more likely to be achieved when written down and shared.  They’re also most likely to be achieved when they’re SMART.  To learn more about SMART goals, check out my post about becoming a GOAL Digger!

2016 Goals:
-I will go on a date (time out to do something fun without the children) one time per month with my husband for each month in 2016.

-I will hire a house keeper to outsource the cleaning of {at least} the bathrooms and floors one time per month by my birthday in March.  Happy birthday to me!

-We will save {at least} $6,000 towards our dream kitchen remodel by December 1, 2016.

-I will achieve Diamond Status in my business by February 29th, 2016.  Yep, it’s a leap year!

-I will achieve Star Diamond Status in my business by July 1, 2016.

-I will read or listen to one personal development book each month in 2016, starting with Eat that Frog.

As I said, some of these are BIG goals for me!  Some are very easily attainable, but I need to write them down for accountability. 

What are your 2016 goals?  What will you do to make them happen?

A recent podcast I listened to gave me these words of wisdom, which will be my 2016 mantra:

“When you know your why, you can endure any how.”

Join me in 2016!  Follow me on Facebook to make 2016 your best year yet!